Zendesk and Xero Harmonized In PowerBI

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Solutions to Common Service Businesses Problems Start With Coordination:

Growing business often run into similar problems on the quest for greatness. Most of these problems are encountered while pursuing the following:

  • The quest for profitability on projects and engagements with partners.

  • Centralized intelligence about the performance of projects and consultants. 

  • Analytics on the quality and speed of service to partners.

What Are Some Common Challenges to Achieving the Above?

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Finding Apps That Fit:

Finding apps that serve your specific workflows is challenging. Often your team will be forced to change their workflow to match your apps.

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Disparate Systems:

Accessing, merging, and reconciling data that reside in disparate systems can be very challenging. This is often a road block on the path the achieving your goals.

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Lastly, putting solutions to the above issues together is not straight forward. Having access to a dashboard that provides meaningful and real-time analytics can push your company two steps forward.


Zendesk & Xero:

Some big players in operational software are Zendesk and Xero; we use both of these for out project organization and accounting, respectively. We’ve got a simple solution to a simple problem to show you. We started by recognizing our need to record contract costs with in Zendesk. This pushed us to need to bring in Xero data to track if our billing is off. This solution does that and that opens the doors to much more powerful possibilities now that we have data from both systems.

In two weeks we'll go further into depth and show you the details around accessing both Zendesk and Xero data in PowerBI.


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